とねがわ Tone River - River water level information
- Ibaraki Prefecture
- Gunma Prefecture
- Saitama Prefecture
- Chiba Prefecture
- River conditions
- Normal
- River flooding
Water level at each hydrometric stationTone River
- 観測所名
- Updated 02/06/2025 22:10
- Upstream
- 小穂口
- Missing data
- 平弦
- No change
- 奈良沢
- Missing data
- 木ノ根沢
- Missing data
- 湯原
- No change
- 月夜野橋
- Falling
- Normal
- 屋形原
- No change
- 岩本
- No change
- 大正橋
- Falling
- Normal
- 県庁裏
- No change
- Normal
- 前橋
- Rising
- 上福島
- No change
- Normal
- 八斗島
- No change
- Normal
- 古戸
- No change
- 利根川1385
- Missing data
- 利根川1365
- Missing data
- 利根川1330
- Missing data
- 川妻給排水機場(外水位)
- No change
- 利根川1275
- Missing data
- 利根関宿
- No change
- 北関宿
- No change
- 利根川1180
- Missing data
- 利根川1150
- Missing data
- 利根川1125
- Missing data
- 利根川1090
- Missing data
- 利根川1060
- Missing data
- 芽吹橋
- No change
- Normal
- 高野
- No change
- 布川
- No change
- 新川
- No change
- 金江津
- No change
- 川尻
- No change
- 横利根
- Rising
- Normal
- 一之分目
- No change
- 鹿島港湾
- Missing data
- 黒部(表)
- Rising
- 河口堰上流
- Rising
- 河口堰下流
- Rising
- 太田新田
- Rising
- 荒波
- Rising
- 銚子
- Falling
- 河口端
- Falling
- Downstream
- Benchmark water level
High Risk level Low
- Hazardous water level
Flooding could occur at any time
- Water level for evacuation determination
Risk of flooding after a certain period of time
- Advisory water level
River level expected to rise
- Water level to put flood control team on standby
Guideline for flood control team to prepare for action
- Normal
Normal water level
- No benchmark
Hydrometric station for which no benchmark water level has been set
- Missing data
Normal observations interrupted
- About posted information
- Information is obtained from local governments, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (external site)
- Japan Meteorological Agency (external site)