たまがわ Tama River - River water level information
- Tokyo Metropolis
- Kanagawa Prefecture
- Yamanashi Prefecture
- River conditions
- Normal
- River flooding
Water level at each hydrometric stationTama River
- 観測所名
- Updated 01/13/2025 11:50
- Upstream
- 丹波山
- No change
- Normal
- 万年橋
- No change
- 調布橋
- No change
- Normal
- 昭和用水上流
- No change
- 日野市栄町
- No change
- 日野橋
- Rising
- Normal
- 国立市谷保
- Missing data
- 日野市落川
- Missing data
- 二ヶ領上河原堰上流
- No change
- 多摩区登戸
- Missing data
- 玉川
- Missing data
- 田園調布(上)
- No change
- Normal
- 田園調布(下)
- Rising
- 戸手
- Rising
- 六郷橋下流
- Missing data
- 多摩川河口
- Rising
- Normal
- Downstream
- Benchmark water level
High Risk level Low
- Hazardous water level
Flooding could occur at any time
- Water level for evacuation determination
Risk of flooding after a certain period of time
- Advisory water level
River level expected to rise
- Water level to put flood control team on standby
Guideline for flood control team to prepare for action
- Normal
Normal water level
- No benchmark
Hydrometric station for which no benchmark water level has been set
- Missing data
Normal observations interrupted
- About posted information
- Information is obtained from local governments, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (external site)
- Japan Meteorological Agency (external site)