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Kirishimayama きりしまやま

Live camera images

霧島山 八久保 The image may be difficult to see at night or in bad weather.
霧島山 八久保のライブカメラ
霧島山 韓国岳 The image may be difficult to see at night or in bad weather.
霧島山 韓国岳のライブカメラ
 Kirishimayama map information (C) Mapbox (C) OpenStreetMap (C) LY Corporation Yahoo!地図ガイドライン

Miyazaki Prefecture・Kagoshima Prefecture Elevation:1700m

Potential for increased activity

10/01/2023 10:45

Fukuoka Regional Headquarters and Kagoshima Meteorological Office Announcements

Information on volcanic activity
High Risk level Low
Extreme caution advised in residential areas and non-residential areas nearer the crater

An eruption is causing or is very likely to cause serious damage to residential areas

Caution in non-residential areas near the crater

An eruption that could cause serious damage near residential areas is occurring or is likely to occur

Caution advised around the crater

An eruption causing damage at or near the crater is occurring or is likely to occur

Potential for increased activity

There is currently no volcanic activity. However, keep in mind that it is an active volcano.

About posted information
This information is from the Japan Meteorological Agency.